Swimming Pool Safety Tips

With summertime officially upon us, it’s that time of year for pool safety tips. Whether taking the kids to a public pool or swimming at home, it’s important to sit the kiddos down for brief talk about safety and go over rules before heading to the pool. If you’re swimming at home, you may also want to post the “Family Pool Rules” in a visible place where the kids can always seem them.

CDC: 1 in 8 Pools May Pose Infection Risk

Before plunging into your local public pool, you might want to stop and think about what you might be plunging into. The pool might not be as sanitary as it should be, according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Researchers found that one out of eight pools had to be…


Splashing, wading, and paddling — it must mean a great day in the water. Playing at the beach, at a water park, by a lake, or in a pool can be a real treat on a hot day. Swimming is a lot of fun, but drowning is a real danger. Let’s find out how to stay safe in the water.